Sunday, December 16, 2012

{ialsolovechocolate} Saving our prayers till the end.

No, not THAT end!

Here's the deal.

A) I'm usually hungry.

B) I have a teenage boy, who is ALWAYS hungry.  Hungry, as in- when we're clearing the table from lunch, he's asking "What's for dinner?!"

And C) While I like some traditions, I also am open to trying new things, especially if they make more sense.

Which is where "Saving our prayers till the end" comes in.

In the past, when we sat down to eat a meal, we would bow our heads and thank God for the food... things that were happening in our lives... for others... etc...  Then we ate.

But, the thought recently occurred to me-  Why don't we save our prayers till the end?  That way, we won't be rushing through the prayer to get to the food more quickly, or be distracted by the scents of delicious food wafting up to our noses! 

And so, we switched to saving our prayer till the end.  We sit, we eat, THEN we pray.  The added bonus to this practice?  We know which foods we liked best and can be REALLY thankful for them!!

I'll admit that it's slightly bizarre, just sitting down and digging in, so I'm currently trying to think of a new tradition to start off the meal, in unison.  Any ideas?

*Photo taken at The Waterfront.

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